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prefers a quiet life..

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

First labour room call

Today I got PM off and I sleep smpai lewat ptg baru nk bgn..hehe
Then feel more fresh and less dizzy after oncall last night.
Unbelievable call because labour room was empty-no patient at all since 8pm till 11pm.
Then I sleep. And like any other calls before, patients always come after midnight. Anything that is normal before midnight will start to become abnormal after 12am...Huhu. That night, poor CTG occur at around 1.30am and had to disturb my MO sleep just to confirm that we still can wait some more and not for LSCS yet. At around that time another high station head for ARM came and afraid of causing cord prolapse I called my MO again. Lucky he was nice and did controlled ARM for me. Heee..Then I conduct delivery around 3am and finish everything with episiotomy repair at around 4am. I grabbed some time to sleep and at around 5am I woke up to order blood, medication, update babies etc. Morning prayer started at around 8am and after present babies update, I followed my MO to do post natal round for 3 wards. After that I was left with 1 tagger in ward to finish all ward workssss because another HO went for bleeding placenta praevia emergency op which takes 4 hours to finish.
Working with dizzy head and empty stomach, I feel like the PM off is totally a great idea. Haha..
But today I learned that doing my job right is all that matters. That's what my friend advise me when I was irritated by one collegue. As long as no negligence, patient's care is utmost and all your work are done, then what other people do or say should means nothing.
Thank you Allah, for sending me friends who always advising me to change for better, growing our potential and support each other in this working life... :)

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